What is the Scripture Hymnal?
The physical hymnal is a collection of word-for-word scripture songs for corporate worship in English.
The Scripture Hymnal Project provides resources to help congregations memorize scripture and grow in biblical literacy by engaging with God’s word through worship.
Who is the Scripture Hymnal for?
These songs were written to help congregations sing and learn God’s word, and ultimately to help them draw closer to Jesus. However, any Christ-follower who desires to memorize scripture and grow in biblical literacy will find the Scripture Hymnal a useful resource.
Can I bulk purchase the Scripture Hymnal books for my church or group?
Yes, you can add bulk purchases to your shopping cart.
- Receive 15% off 50 books or more
- Receive 25% off 100 books or more
Email info@scripturehymnal.com if you'd like pricing for 200+ books.
Will there be an SATB version of the hymnal?
We are currently in the process of creating an SATB version of the hymnal. We estimate it will be available mid-late 2025.
How can I bulk purchase individual sheet music/make more than 1 copy?
Most individual Scripture Hymnal songs are available for purchase at 50 copies for $19.99. Email info@scripturehymnal.com to inquire about a certain song or to request this bulk pricing.
Can I perform Scripture Hymnal songs at my church or event?
If your church has a CCLI license or your venue has a PRO license agreement, you should be able to perform Scripture Hymnal songs.
Do I need to read music to use the Scripture Hymnal book?
Not at all. There is a QR code in the front (and back) of the physical hymnal that provides instant access to recordings of every song via our website Song Library. With the Scripture Hymnal in hand, anyone can listen and sing along.
You can also stream our music when you play the artist “Scripture Hymnal” on your favorite music streaming platform.
What musical style is the Scripture Hymnal?
The Scripture Hymnal is stylistically diverse within western sensibilities. Thirteen writers contributed to the included songs, all with different musical and church backgrounds. Although categories are subjective, and many songs could fit in more than one category, every song is indexed as either Traditional, Contemporary, or Children/Family.
Traditional: songs typically driven by piano or organ, with syllables sung on the beat
Contemporary: songs typically driven by guitar, with more modern melodic patterns
Children/Family: songs with child-friendly text and melodies
What Bible translations does the Scripture Hymnal use?
The Scripture Hymnal uses mostly the NIV, ESV, and CSB. When choosing between translations, we look for lyrical language and natural rhythms in the text that might help with song construction. Other translations used include the KJV, NKJV, NLT, ERV, NASB, and NIRV.
Philosophy / Rules
We believe the Bible was inspired by God to teach us and lead us to himself. While acknowledging the throughline of mystery running from initial inspiration to English translation, we hold the teachings of scripture as sacred. As such, we created a set of rules to govern the songwriting process in order to ensure the hymnal can be trusted as a legitimate tool for scripture memorization and to maintain an assurance of its orthodoxy. Those guiding principles are:
- No adding words to the text
- No paraphrasing
- No mixing translations mid-sentence
- Yes to repeating phrases for song construction
- Yes to using partial verses that contain a complete thought, as long as the meaning of the language remains intact
- Yes to using thematically similar verses from other parts of the Bible in the same song
While the Scripture Hymnal as a whole draws from multiple translations, the texts of individual songs are (with only a few exceptions) lifted from a single source. In the few instances of combining translations, the transition happens between the verse and the chorus.
Although we strictly adhered to our rules, a few exceptions were made under the supervision of our Translation Board.
Hymn 47: We created a contraction by turning “will not” into “won’t.”
Hymn 52: We adopted the traditional language of “Do unto others” instead of the NIV’s “Do to others.”
Hymn 51: This song uses combined text from versions of “The Lord’s Prayer” found in the Book of Common Prayer. We chose to retain the traditional extra-biblical text in the final sentence. We also took the liberty of omitting the words “it is” from the second sentence, so the text sings “Your kingdom come, your will be done on earth, as in heaven.”
All of these choices reflect our desire to write congregationally singable scripture hymns so God’s word might take root in the hearts of his people. Ultimately, we adopted a spirit of submission to the Bible translators and adhered to traditional church practices around scripture reading and study.
How do these songs fit into a church service?
For contemporary, traditional, or children/family worship services, many of the Scripture Hymnal songs will serve like any other song; facilitating worship, praise, celebration, confession, repentance, etc. However, since all of the songs are also Bible verses, they present an opportunity to engage with scriptures that amplify the lesson or theme of the service, and the indexes in the back of the hymnal are designed to help leaders with those choices. Some churches incorporate a few of the shorter songs as repeatable choruses (such as in a call to worship) in response to the sermon or scripture reading, or as a benediction.
Should leaders follow the sheet music exactly as written?
Not necessarily. The printed music in the hymnal is instructive for how the song “goes” in general. We expect worship leaders to add intros and outros and make adjustments to the key, tempo, and general arrangement in ways that best serve their congregations–just as they would with any other hymn.
Why are there scripture readings in the back of the hymnal?
Many of the shorter songs work well as a chorus between scripture readings. In this antiphonal style, the leader reads a scripture passage and the congregation responds with the song. The scripture readings included in the book have been chosen to serve that purpose, as well as for help in devotional study, meditation, reflection, and prayer.
How do the indexes help?
The Scripture Hymnal book is indexed by theme, order of service, church calendar, sacrament, first lines, and musical style. Whether you lead singing in a sanctuary or a prison, in a preschool or a nursing home, in your living room or an upper room, we hope you find these categories useful as you prayerfully select songs for worship.
When viewing our website, you can filter through the index topics via our "Resources" web page.
How quickly will I get my order?
Digital downloads should be available shortly after your purchase is made, but can sometimes take up to an hour. All other orders will ship within 5 business days.
Which payment methods do you accept?
Most major credit cards are accepted at checkout. You can also checkout via PayPal.
What if there is a problem with my order?
If you don't receive your order within two weeks, or if you are in any way dissatisfied, we want to know! Please email info@scripturehymnal.com and we will work out a solution.